Signature and Acceptance of this Agreement: Your remittance of payment signifies your acceptance of this agreement. If there is anything herein that you do not agree to, DO NOT MAKE A RESERVATION FOR THIS CONDO.
No Amenity Card: There really is no such thing as an amenity card. As my guest, you are welcome to do anything, participate in everything, enjoy all the facilities, and patronize any merchant in the resort. The vendors in the resort are private, and they will do business with you whether you are staying in the resort, or even if you are not. They charge for their services, and you pay them directly.
Reservation Dates: I am amazed at how easy it is to make this mistake: Believing that the last day of your reservation is the last full day of your stay, rather than the day you are leaving. IN FACT, the last day of your reservation is the morning you are leaving. Please check, and recheck, the dates and the corresponding days of the week, to make sure you and I are on the same page. The last day of your reservation IS, IN FACT, the day you are leaving the condo, at the normal, 10am or earlier, check out time. (This is exactly the way hotels and everyone in the vacation rental business details the reservation dates.) Thank you!